Several years ago a close, personal friend and spiritual teacher told me something that would later save my life and become my favorite personal mantra:


There’s only ever you and God in the room.”


No matter what is happening in the space you find yourself in, it’s only you and God there. Not you and Susan, or you and Tom, or you and the disease, or you and the mortgage, or you and the extra 15 pounds since Thanksgiving, or you and the painful argument…just YOU and GOD.


God is All That Is: always present, always everywhere, always everything.


So what does that mean?


If God is there, and God is peace…then peace is in the room.

If God is there, and God is love…then love is in the room.

If God is there, and God is wisdom…then wisdom is in the room.

If God is there, and God is power…then power is in the room.

If God is there, and God is health…then health is in the room.

If God is there, and God is good…then good is in the room.


Whatever you need at any given moment, therefore, is in the room with you. You don’t need to chase it; you don’t need to force it; you don’t need to make it happen. You simply need to tune up your spiritual eyesight so you can recognize it, accept it’s presence, and allow it to take over.


You are never separate from whatever you want, nor is whatever you need unavailable to you at any given moment. No matter what the situation looks like on the outside, turn within and accept that wherever you are, God is, and all is well. Therefore, so you must you be. 


This awareness has saved my life many, many times—from the hospital bed, to the relationship bed, to the bed of life. May it to do the same for you.