Self-Love Your Way There
from Jerome Braggs
Welcome to an audible healing space that will help you restore the relationship you have with yourself (and with Life itself) back to Love and well-being. Join Jerome Braggs for the podcast edition of his weekly Facebook broadcast, and listen in as he touches on a self-love + healing + spiritual growth topic that’s on his mind.
You'll also hear the lively conversation that follows, as Jerome opens the floor to questions from the live viewers. With topics ranging from healing emotional wounds to honoring your sexuality, setting boundaries to honoring the Ego & the Higher Self, healing your body through love, and getting support from your Guides, these discussions will educate and support you.
Ready to self-love your way to a more well + delicious life? Welcome to Self-Love Your Way There.

EPS 51
A Birthday Conversation around Self-Honoring
Originally Aired: March 5, 2022
Today is my birthday! I initially had an entirely different conversation planned for today around what the greatest lesson has been for me in the past 43 years, but when I awoke this morning I received a download that this new year of life for me would be centered around "self-honoring." So wanted to briefly share what that means for me.

The Universe Isn’t Trying to Test You
Originally Aired: February 17, 2022
There is a common perception among spiritual seekers that The Universe is trying to "test you" when challenges arise in our lives. But that's actually a false premise. The Universe LOVES us, and doesn't believe there's anything about us to test. But there is something about us to become. In this episode, I share what that is, and what it all has to do with fulfilling our purpose.

The Miracle Point in Your Healing Journey
Originally Aired: February 1, 2022
When we are on a healing journey, especially when we are healing from a chronic illness or disease, there comes a pivotal point where our true healing begins. Where we recognize that the patterns of projection we adopted in our childhood to protect us, have actually harmed us in our. adulthood. This point can lead us to a miraculous healing, and in this episode, I share just how that is.

The Only Resolution You Need for New Years
Originally Aired: December 30, 2021
We've reached the end of the 2021, and many of us are practicing our rituals + making our resolutions for what we want to do and experience in the New Year. Since my NDE, I've learned there's really only ONE resolution we ever need to make. Only one that truly leads to transformation, healing, and the manifestation of our deepest yearnings. In this episode, I share what that is, and why.

3 Reasons Why You Aren’t Manifesting What You Want
Originally Aired: December 8, 2021
I’ve received several questions over the past week about the process of manifestation - more specifically, why you aren’t manifesting what you truly want. Well, I’ve learned A LOT about manifestation in my journey after my Near Death Experience, so I’d like to share with you 3 main reasons you AREN’T manifesting what you want, and what each of them has to do with self-love.

5 Questions from Dying that Taught Me How to Truly Live
Originally Aired: December 7, 2021
It's December, the last month of the year, and so many of us are in the mindset of how we want to close out this year, and how we'd like to begin the next. To help with this process, Jerome shares the 5 Questions that came up during his Life Review on his deathbed in 2004, which taught him what was truly important in life, and how to truly live well. He also walks you through how to use these questions yourself to manifest a more delicious life for yourself in the upcoming New Year. ❤️

How Traditional Spirituality Made Me Sick, Part 2
Originally Aired: Nov 26, 2021
In this episode, Jerome finishes up his conversation from the last episode on how traditional spirituality contributed to manifesting his disease, by discussing the phenomenon many spiritual seekers face of being "so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good."

How Traditional Spirituality Made Me Sick, Part 1
Originally Aired: August 24, 2021
In this episode, Jerome shares how traditional spirituality contributed to the manifestation of his disease, and why learning balance was the key to his healing and wellness.

3 Sacred Self-love Lessons from Simone Biles & The Olympics
Originally Aired: July 29th, 2021
In this episode, Jerome reminds us that the lesson is ALWAYS Love, and then shares 3 sacred self-love lessons we all can learn from Simone Biles pulling out of the 2021 Olympics.

What Self-love really is ?
Originally Aired: July 17, 2021
In this first episode of his new podcast, Jerome shares what he learned self-love really is after his Near Death Experience, why self-love is the most healing + transformative practice on the planet, and why our entire lives depend on it.