One of the core things I learned in my rite of passage (my healing journey from AIDS and kidney failure) is that illness/disease is not a punishment or a betrayal by our body, but a message from our body. It’s our body’s way of getting our attention, and communicating a divine message for our life path.

And the main message behind an illness or disease is that:  we are not living the true purpose of your lives.

When we get sick somehow, it’s our body’s way of telling us that we are not being who we came here to be – who are soul incarnated into this lifetime to live and experience.

When we start to dim our light and play small, when we stop feeling joy in our lives, when we stop following our own heart and start to live by other peoples expectations, when we start to feel ashamed of ourselves somehow and hide/suppress aspects of ourselves, when we stop living our truth and start living a life that feels dis-integral and imprisoning, we actually start leaving the signature vibration of ourselves.  The very energy and frequency that makes us feel most alive, and most like ourselves.  And every time we leave ourselves, it drains Life Force Energy out of our bodies – the very energy that keeps us alive, and sustains our well-being and wellness.

And when this happens, our bodies start to send us wake-up signals through the form of illnesses and diseases.

The further away from ourselves we journey, and the longer we stay gone from ourselves, determines the severity of the illness or disease.  Illness/Disease (especially “terminal” ones) is only an indicator that we’ve journeyed too far away from ourselves, and have stayed gone for a really long time. It’s our body’s way of helping us realize that it’s now time to do the work of coming back home to ourselves. Coming back home to living our own truth, to following our joy, to deeply loving ourselves, and to trusting our own inner guidance again.

The message of an illness or disease – no matter where it is in our bodies, or how long we’ve had it –  is to come back home to the purpose of our lives, which is to live joyfully, and to feel most alive.

When we understand this, then our healing journey becomes not so much about drinking green juice, or doing yoga, or lighting sage, or being vegan, but more about shifting the way we’ve been approaching ourselves, and the living of our lives, back to joy, truth, and love.  To start living in such a way that we start feeling most alive, and most like ourselves.  

That is what true healing is about.  This is what the path back to wellness and well-being takes.

It’s not about committing to“eating well”; it’s committing to living well…once and for all.

Much ❤