Anonymous Facebook Inbox Inquirer asks: “You say that our vibrations create and attract our reality, so what happens when you’ve been really happy and loving but you run into a very negative person. Did you attract that person? Does their presence mean you’re really holding some negativity within you?”

Here’s my answer:  Yes, and no.

Everything that shows up in our lives shows up by way of our vibrational invitation. Meaning it’s a match/reflection somehow of the internal vibration we’ve been offering habitually. HOWEVER, a negative person doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve been offering a “negative” vibration. (Vibration is the energetic frequency we emit from which our personal reality is created from.  Our vibration is mainly created by our internal beliefs, and how we emotionally feel about ourselves).

First, let’s clear up what “negative” means from the perspective of the soul. “Negative” doesn’t mean evil, or bad, as these definitions truly don’t exist in the consciousness of The Divine aspects of ourselves. “Negative” simply means “unwanted.” More simply, it means anything that doesn’t feel good to you right now – thoughts, beliefs, experiences, people, etc.

So with this understanding, there are two reasons why “negative”/“unwanted” people show up in our lives when we’ve been vibrating in a good place…

1) sometimes, they’ve shown up because you are supposed to help them by simply being an example of what being tuned into the Light looks like.

Those of us who have been living in the dark for some time are most attracted to the light. The Light is home, and when you’re feeling good, happy, and well, your Light is a beacon (very much like a lighthouse) to all those who are struggling in the storms of their lives. You’re literally broadcasting an example of what’s possible, and an energetic invitation to come back home into the Light…into the Light of their own being.

So often, it’s just a sign you’re doing well. So you don’t have to beat up on yourself for their presence, or make yourself wrong, or start the damaging cycle of trying to change yourself into “better.” Just relax,. and keep feeling good like you’ve been doing, because sometimes those people are sent our way simply to watch us, and learn. You never know how your very presence in their life – the very imagery of you – can be a catalyst for profound positive transformation. I can attest myself that several times in my past when I was at my lowest and most toxic, meeting someone who wasn’t in the same place – who was in their Light – was a huge shift for me.

Sometimes when we’re in a good place, we become a magnet for others who are not because not only do they want what we currently have, but also because our soul truly craves to help light the lights of others who’s inner lights may currently be extremely dimmed. Like Dr. Maya Angelou once said, “As you get, give, as you learn, teach.”

So your job is to hold on to that good place, even in their presence, and let your good place be the light that light’s all those who come to you. It’s all a part of the process of this life experience.

2) They show up because we need the contrast in order to create new and better for ourselves.

Sometimes, those “negative” people show up in our lives to help us sharpen our focus on what we really want for ourselves, and to begin moving in the direction of the manifestation of that. In this world of duality, there is great clarity to be gained from experiencing something unwanted. Contrast (experiencing unwanted things) is a highly beneficial experience, because without knowing what we truly don’t want, it would be really hard for us to know what we truly do want instead. Contrast helps us to be clear about what we’d now prefer for our lives, and what we’d now want to release from our lives, as well.  So sometimes The Universe sends us contrast in the form of “negative” people to help us sharpen our clarity around what we really want, and begin making the necessary shifts in our lives to allow the manifestation of them. This is is especially true in the times of our lives when we haven’t really been focused on our passions, and what makes us feel most alive.  When we’ve been a bit laissez faire about our living.

All this to say, sometimes those “negative” people showing up in our lives isn’t a mirrored reflection of some “negative” vibration we’ve been holding within us, but an indicator that we are ready to fulfill one of the main reasons for which we are here on the planet: to be the Light, and to help bring others back home to the Light.

Hope this helps.

Much ❤.