The more I’ve loved myself, the more I found that everything I need seems to miraculously and amazingly come to me. 

Without me having to force it, 
without me having to pray for it, 
without me having to do much at all, actually. 

During my Near Death Experience (NDE) in 2005. one of the things Source told me was:

You know a lot about pushing, and forcing, and trying to make Life be good to you. But you don’t know anything about how to let Life be good to you. Because it wants to. All the time. And you let it be good to you by being good to yourself. By loving yourself. That’s all you have to do, and your life will be really, really good.” 

It took me so many years after that NDE to truly understand this, and live my life this way. Because I, like most of us, thought I had to DO something to receive the good I desired. Thought I had to work hard, put a lot of action in, or create vision boards and try all the manifestation tools. And sometimes, that would work. I’d manifest what I was wanting for myself. But it never worked well, because my manifestations never came with my peace, as well. Forcing and pushing and stressing things into being always left me stressed out and unhappy. Even when my desire manifested, it only brought a fleeting sense of pleasure, not a lasting one. 

What did work was when I began to truly understand that I am a loved being, just as I am. That this Universe loves me, unconditionally. 

Not because of what I’ve done or what I’m doing, but because I am a part of it – we are one. I am loved just for existing. As I am, with nothing needing to change about me to be so.

And Love does not ask anyone/anything to perform for it to be loved. It doesn’t ask anyone to do or be more in order to be showered upon, just like the sun doesn’t ask any of us to wake up in the morning, and perform tricks in order for it to shine it’s light upon us. 

It just shines. 
On everybody. 

No matter who they are, what they’ve done or not done, where they live or don’t live. The sun is unconditional with its Light. 

This is the same with The Universe’s Love. It is unconditional. It is being offered to me, always, no matter what. And The Universe only wants what it loves to be happy and healthy. And the only thing that determines whether or not I receive what’s being offered by The Universe that would make me happy and healthy is whether or not I’m open to receive. 

Because again, what’s coming is from Love itself.  
And love does not force.  
It does not push.  
It only offers choice.

This is what free will is about – I get to choose whether I receive or not. And I don’t choose by my words (by asking and begging); I choose by my energy. I choose by trusting, by being at ease, by being my authentic self, by being in joy/happy. Basically, I choose by being the Love that I am. 

Being Love Energy is the state of receiving. 

And what I now know is embodying Love is the state of receiving not just because Love is the highest frequency available, so that it attracts all good things, but because The Universe sends all our good to our Home address. But if we aren’t home, if we aren’t embodying the Love Frequency we are, we won’t receive it. Again, not because we don’t deserve it, but because we aren’t in the very location that it’s being constantly sent to. 

Love sends to Love.  
Love gives to Love. 

Basically, Love gives to itself, and it receives from itself. Love loves itself. This is oneness in action. 

And the key to receiving our good is to just do the same: to love ourselves. To cherish ourselves, express our true selves, trust ourselves, nourish ourselves. This helps us become who we truly are – Love Energy – and settle ourselves in the state of receiving. 

And when we’re in that state, there’s no more forcing; there’s just receiving. Joyously and miraculously so. Everything we need. Everything we want that helps us authentically become more of who we really are. 

What my journey taught me is that Life just wants to be good to us. Because it loves us. Because we are a part of it. We are a part of Life and Love itself.

But we have to let it.

Loving ourselves is how we let it.

Otherwise, we get stuck in a life of stress and force and disappointment. 

And that’s a life that is less than we deserve.