One of the most transformational exercises I learned to do in my healing journey is write three appreciation lists, everyday.  Not only did writing these lists help me feel better emotionally/vibrationally, but they also helped positively transform my life, and manifest my dreams.

The more I wrote these lists, the more I began to notice positive transformations happening in my health, and the more I noticed things I’d been desiring starting to manifest in my life.  And often times, miraculously so.  From my dream car, sexy dates, unexpected money, and business opportunities, to illnesses in my body starting to miraculously heal on their own, without me taking any conscious action to heal them.  The more I wrote these lists, the better my life became.

Now, energetically there’s a reason for this.  The practice of appreciation makes us feel better emotionally, which raises our frequency.  The frequency we feel when we are appreciating something is very close energetically to the frequency of Love.  So, the more we practice appreciation, the more we flow our bodies with the sensation of Love (basically, we feel really good).  And by the Law of Attraction, the better we feel emotionally and the higher frequency/vibration we embody, the better things we manifest in our lives, and the better the state of our health becomes.   

Plus, what we focus on, we get more of.  Not necessarily the item itself, but the feeling of the item – the vibrational essence of it  So the more we focus on what we appreciate, the more we manifest things to feel apprecation about in our lives.

Quick note: Vibrationally, appreciation is a bit different than gratitude.  Gratitude is mostly taking stock of what we’re thankful for.  But appreciation is taking stock of what’s really good in and about our lives, what brings us a sense of joy, and what we truly love about ourselves, and our lives.  It’s a slightly higher vibration than gratitude itself, as it’s similar to looking at something from perspective of Love.   

Plainly put, appreciation is a doorway to feeling and living better.  

So here are the three appreciation lists I write daily. Try them yourself.

 1. Things in the present that I appreciate.

This is about taking stock of what’s going well in my life right now, today.  What are the things in my life that bring me joy, what makes me feel good, what’s in my life now that I really love?  Remember, the more we focus on what’s going well in our lives now, the more we manifest more things to do the same.

I list out five of these things, every day.  I write down what is I appreciate, AND why I appreciate it.  And I make sure to make AT LEAST TWO of these items about myself.  Writing the why really elevates the feeling of appreciation in my energy field. 

Ex.  I truly appreciate/love the relationship I have with my mom.  We are such good friends now, we frequently take trips together, we go out to eat weekly, we laugh a lot together, and I truly enjoy her company.  I feel good around her and feel loved by her.  PLUS, she honors my boundaries now, and really listens to me.  I truly love our relationship.  

2.  Things in the future that I appreciate, written in present tense.

This list is about feeling advance appreciation for things that I want, but have yet to come.  One of the biggest secrets to manifesting what you want is to feel good now, as if it has already manifested.  Holding the feeling of appreciation in the now actually attracts it to you faster.  This list helps you do just that.  Plus, even if it never comes, you feel good now, anyway.  And feeling good is the main soul purpose of our lives.

Same as the list before, write five things and why you appreciate them.  

Ex.  I love how healthy my body is now.  I feel so free and strong and alive in my body.  I feel like a miracle, and I’m able to live my life like I want, and do all the things I truly enjoy.  I feel such freedom and vibrancy in my body and I freaking LOVE it! 

3. Things that I appreciate that have worked out well for me, but previously used to make me upset.

This list is really important.  It’s about things in your past you’d previously felt stressed, angry, sad or fearful about, but have actually worked out in your favor in your present.  This list helps you remember that things can work out for you, and recognize just how frequently they do.

Ex.  I love how much I listen to and trust myself these days.  I truly take time to hear my own inner guidance and follow it, even if it goes against what an authority figure wants me to do.  I feel so safe with myself because of this these days.  And I’m so much less stressed and afraid.  I’ve come a long way, and I love it. 

Try writing these lists for yourself. 

Do them for 30 consecutive days, and take notice of how you feel, and what positive changes/transformations occur  in your life.  I’ve seen this one thing work miracles in my own life, and in many of my clients’ lives as well.  

Remember, the law of this Universe is: “The better you feel, the better you live.

This appreciation exercise will help you feel better.

It works, if you work it.

Much ❤️,Jerome.