It’s often said that what we do first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of our day. If we start our day in stress, worry, shame or fear, the rest of our day tends to unfold by making us feel more stress, worry, shame, and/or fear. Answering emails, responding to text messages on our phones, judging our bodies, making breakfast, getting the kids up and ready, can often take us away from our center, and fill our energy field with not-so-good-feeling vibrations (like shame and worry) if we haven’t started the day anchoring ourselves in our own love. 

So to combat that, I make sure to do something to gather myself and embrace my own being, before I start my day.

Here’s what it looks like..

1) Before I get out of bed, I sit on the edge of the bed, put my hands over my heart, take a deep breath, and then tell myself seven things I love and appreciate about myselfespecially my body.

This makes me feel good about myself, and raises my vibration through appreciation – an aspect of the Frequency of Love.

2) Then, I tell myself five things that are going really well in my life and that I’m grateful for.

This elicits the feeling of gratitude in me, and places my mental focus on what’s working right in my life, instead of what’s going wrong (Remember, where your focus goes is what grows). 

3) Lastly, I ask my soul what one thing it most wants me to do today.

Then I make a plan to go do that. This helps me be guided by Love throughout the day (because remember, the soul is Love itself. Asking for its guidance is literally asking Love to guide you.)

Since I’ve been doing this ritual/exercise, I’ve started my days off feeling really good about myself, and connected to myself, and I’ve been guided to some pretty amazing things – from healings in my body, receiving unexpected money, having more fun in my life, and problems I’ve experienced being solved and worked out in simple, fast, and easy ways. 

How you feel in the morning is how you’ll feel throughout your day. And how you feel throughout your day is how you’ll feel throughout your life. 

Try this simple exercise/ritual, every day, and see if you start feeling more connected to and love yourself, and if you start experiencing more connection and love in your life, as well, as a result.

Much ❤️ ,