Divine Ones, one thing I’ve discovered in these many years of my healing journey, is that healing also involves grieving, because healing requires a loss of something. 

It requires us to let go of some things in our being and life in order to make space for our wellness. Things that no longer nourish or serve the healthier and happier vision we have for ourselves. Things that may be in the way of the manifestation of the highest experience of our wellness and joy. 

For me, that loss and grieving recently occurred in the area of my friendships. 

In order to go into a deeper level of healing and wellness, my Inner Guidance recently asked me to release several people I DEEPLY loved, but whose relationship I had with them was based on, and energetically supported/held by, the previous ill version of myself. I am no longer trying to physically or vibrationally resonate with that version of me anymore, and so I had to release ALL bonds that I had that nourished and supported that version, so that I could make space for and attract/manifest bonds that nourished and supported the well version of me. 

Now, sometimes it’s very possible to keep old relationships when we’re healing, BUT ONLY when those relationships nourish and support the new vision we have for the well, healthier, and happier version of ourselves. 

If the relationships we have currently don’t fully bring us joy, nourish/charge our ENTIRE being, and bring us full joy, they must be released for our healing. 

With LOVE of course, because we love them, and they did serve the last version of us at some point. But they don’t serve the new/next/well version of us, and must be completed. 

This HURTS. BEING FULLY CLEAR, this is where pain comes into the healing process. 

Letting go is hard, but necessary.

And it’s much better that you cry over the loss of what you need to let go of now, than you have to cry FOREVER over the loss of your healing, wellness and joy because you held onto the very aspects that were preventing them from manifesting for you. 

In order to manifest new, better and healthier for us, The Universe needs a space in our beingness to put/place it. We must MAKE that space by letting go of EVERYTHING that occupies the space, which is all the old that no longer serves, no longer nourishes, no longer adds to and expands our joy, no longer makes us feel loved, uplifted and happy. Even if it once did. 

It’s all about what it’s doing now, and what we can FEEL it will do if we continue to keep it in our lives. 

Healing is hard, Divine Ones.  
But it’s worth it. 

Wellness and joy are ALWAYS and ALL WAYS worth it. Even if you have to do what makes you cry now, so you won’t have to cry forever. 

Remember that.  
Tears are healing, even when they hurt as they fall.

Our losses make space for our better, and our healthier

❤️, Jerome