Something I’ve learned about healing dysfunctions and addictions from my own journey healing from sex addiction, and from my work helping clients heal their dysfunctions and addictions is:: the way out is not to fight against them, but to give thanks for them.

Yes, that’s right, thank your addictions and dysfunctional behaviors. Thank them for their service in your life. Because at some point in your development, you needed them. You didn’t know how to escape/soothe the pain you were experiencing within your emotional body any other way at the time, and they arose in your life to help you do that. 

So a powerful step in healing the addiction or dysfunction is to express gratitude for it. To recognize the role it played in helping you not always live in pain. Then, after you’re clear that it no longer serves you, that you do not have to escape pain anymore and are ready to listen to the pain instead, and make the shifts in your being that the pain is asking of you, give your addiction/dysfunction permission to leave. 

Its service has been truly appreciated, recognized as helpful, and is no longer needed now. This is true healing and release. 

And this will assure way more lasting effects than hating the addiction or dysfunction, viewing it as an enemy, and wanting to go to war with it to get it out of your life. The addiction/dysfunction was never an enemy, though it’s effects in your life may have been detrimental. It was always a friend trying to help you not feel the deep hurt in your emotional body the only way you understood how at the time. 

It was a protector of you.  
Let it go with loving kindness. 

Thank it for its duty and the role it played in protecting/serving you, and shaping your life, then let it go in gratitude, as its service is no longer needed. And watch how much more effectively, and permanently, they leave you once you do.

Remember, hate does not heal.  
Only love does that. 

And hate can not energetically release anything from us, either.  
Only love does that.

Much ❤️, Jerome