When I began to truly understand that The Universe (God) loves me, it changed the type of question I ask when challenges surface in my life.  

Before my healing journey, and before I truly began to know how deeply loved by The Universe I am, when bad stuff happened, I would ask: “Why did this happen to me?”  

I would feel attacked by Life in some way, cheated by it unfairly, and unjustly thwarted from the good life I thought I deserved.

But once I reached the point where I truly understood that I am only being loved by The Universe, my question shifted from “Why did this happen to me,” to: “What is this here to show me?  What is this here to help me become and guide me  more towards?”

Because what I’ve learned about being loved by The Universe is that this means that The Universe isn’t trying to punish me, ever.  That whatever unpleasant event, circumstance, or experience that shows up in my life doesn’t do so to try and take me down, instead, it shows up to do two things:  1) reflect back to me the energy I am carrying within me, and 2) lead me back to the energy of Love when I have strayed too far away it.  

And it’s trying to lead me back to Love because love makes all things well.  And anyone who loves you (The Universe included), only truly wants two things for you: for you to be well, and for you to be happy. 

So when something bad occurs, it’s not a punishment, it is something that is trying to help me in some shape, form, or other, be more well, and be more happy.

And sometimes that means showing me more clearly where I haven’t been, and what I’m doing/being that is preventing me from being so now.

Truly, we are only, ever, being loved by The Universe.  And I recognized this more deeply when I stopped fighting so hard against it, and began asking the questions that allow me to open up and receive the message, and return myself back to the Love Energy that I am.

Try this for yourself when a challenge arises.  And see just how gracefully life begins to open up for you, and just how much more loved you feel by The Universe, and by yourself.

Much ❤️ & wellbeing,
