Oh my! I’m totally overwhelmed at the response to yesterday’s video! 

To be honest, I was both excited and nervous about posting it- nervous to finally step fully out and share what I’ve been wanting to share for so long, excited for the exact same reasons, lol.  

But so many of you responded that you are very excited about this series and are totally on board with the challenge, that it’s made me know that I’m not alone in this – we truly are all in this together!

In today’s video, I wanted to share what the soul is made of, and made for.  I speak + teach A LOT about the soul, and you’re going to hear a whole lot about it in the videos going forward, so it just makes sense to lay the foundation of understanding around it before we move one.  

I get asked A LOT about what the soul actually is from people all over the world who encounter my work, so in this video, I speak about what I learned in my NDE + my mediumship work about what the soul is, and what the soul is made for.  (day 2 of my challenge! Yay!).