In this video, I share why The Universe is not out to make us crazy, no matter what believe, and why this is so important to understand when on a healing journey. Enjoy! ❤️
Your Body’s Talking, Are You Listening | 30 Day Video Challenge 19/30
Where the HELL have I been? I’m sure if you’ve been following this VLOG series, that’s what you’ve probably been asking yourself this past week, as I’ve been visibly absent since the last my last VLOG entry. Well, there’s a reason for my absence. And it gave me the PERFECT topic for today’s video. In…
The 4 Keys to Healing the Body Nobody Told Me | 30 Day Video Challenge 15/30
After my first Near Death Experience in 2004, it only took me three months to fully + miraculously heal myself. But after my second Near Death Experience in 2005, it has taken me many years. And for awhile I struggled with this, because I thought I was doing everything I was “supposed” to do to…
I Learned to Heal Myself from Healing Others | 30 Day Video Challenge 13/30
When people hear that I had a conversation with Source during my Near Death Experience in 2005, they immediately assume that Source told me EVERYTHING about how to heal myself during that experience. But that’s NOT the case. In this video, I share why I actually didn’t learn how to heal myself from what I…
How Wanting to Be a Healer Made Me Sick | 30 Day Video Challenge 11/30
Ok, I’m finally going to address a HUGE awareness + aha I received recently around why I actually got sick in the first place: I wanted to be a healer, so I manifested something to heal from. This one is BIG, and it helps explain why so many healers get sick, and why we often…
How I Manifested HIV/AIDS | 30 Day Video Challenge 10/30
We have officially hit the 1/3 mark in this series, and not only are so many of you reaching out to let me know how much this has helped you, but I’ve been feeling more happy and healthy myself, since doing this series. It’s a true win, win! In this video, I wanted to share…
How I Manifested Kidney Disease, Part 2 | 30 Day Video Challenge 9/30
Did you see my last video? If not, go watch that one first, as this one is a continuation of what I talked about there. In this video (it’s part 2 of 2), I share what being overloaded, and having problems with receiving, had to do with why I manifested kidney failure. Again, this was…