The one thing we do to try and heal ourselves when we are experiencing a health challenge that actually acerbates the health challenge is: obsessing about our health.

Whenever we’ve been diagnosed with a health challenge (especially if it was a “scary” diagnosis), what many of us often start to do is begin obsessing about our health.  We preoccupy our minds with concerns over the right things to eat, the right amount of exercise to get, what the right healing modalities to implement for ourselves are, what the right supplements are to take, what negative thoughts to avoid, etc, etc, etc.

And while this approach may seem helpful for our healing journey from a glance, it’s actually quite detrimental and causes the pace of our healing to slow down significantly, or stop all together.  And the reason for that is that obsessing about our health actually enhances and compounds the fear surrounding it.  The energy of fear drains Life Force Energy from our bodies, which suppresses our bodies ability to heal itself.  It’s a very sneaky way that fear hides itself inside our healing process, because our minds are saying we are actually focusing on something good that will help us – our health and trying to heal – but underneath our obsession is the underlying feeling that there is something wrong with us, and that we need to be trying to fix it and get it out of here.  And this feeling of something being wrong with us is the very fear that is toxifying our body in the first place, and the very fear that the illness arose to help us transcend and heal from.

Diet, exercise, and exploring the right healing modalities IS important when we are looking to heal.  But stressing and obsessing over them is dangerous.  Not only does it hold us in a vibration that disallows well-being and wellness, but it also takes us away from the most healing focus we could have: the focus on living a life of joy.

If you are experiencing a health challenge, instead of worrying today about what the right things to eat, drink, say, or do are, take a moment and ask yourself what you would do with your life if you had a clean bill of health?  How would you be enjoying yourself?  How would you be living differently than you are now?

Do a new/different kind of work?
Write a book?
Flirt more with the people you’re attracted to?
Share your story with others?
Move to a new location?
Sell all your belongings and travel the world?

Whatever that is for you, the most powerful healing approach you can take is not about fighting the illness somehow, as it is living in a new way that is based on the joy and passion you imagine you’d experience if you were already well.
Because this type of living, this type of approach to life, pulls Life Force Energy through you.  It reconnects you to your purpose for being here.  And it returns you home to yourself – to the signature vibration of who you really are.

And what you’ll find out is that this way of living is so opposite of how you were living before the health challenge arose.  It is a stark, night-and-day contrast.

Your soul came here to live a life that excites and charges you, but you had been living a life that drained you.  You may have been living a life based on just paying the bills, or pleasing others, or playing small and hiding yourself, or just getting by and not really going after what your heart was calling you towards.  Basically, you had been leaving your true self, and living a life that didn’t make you feel most alive.

When we do the work of coming back home to ourselves, and reconnecting to our true life, we start living from joy, and not fear.  Our lives start to charge and energize us, instead of drain us, and feel like bondage.  This approach is the path to true well-being.

And whatever health challenge you may be experiencing, it came not as a punishment, but as a wake-up call and invitation to come back home to your true self, and your true life – your well life.  It didn’t come to make you focus on your health and start stressing over it, and attacking yourself.  It came to reconnect you to the reason your soul came to this experience in the first place: for the joy of it.

Focus on the joy of your life.
Focus on your reason for living.
Center the very foundation of your life on what makes you feel most alive.

No matter what stage your illness is at, make your primary focus on returning home to the joy of yourself.  And you will heal.  Joy is a medicine, a soul medicine, and it leads us back home to ourselves, and raises our vibration to the level of well-being and wellness we desire and deserve.

Just follow your joy.

And stop stressing over your health.

Your body knows exactly what do to heal. But it needs your joy in order to do it.

So make the predominant focus of your healing approach about reconnecting to your joy.

It is the healthiest thing you can do.

Much ❤