After people here about my miraculous healing journey, one of the first questions they ask me is: “So what would you recommend that I eat in order to help me heal myself? In order to help me be more well?” 

Well, the truth is, I’m not a doctor or a nutrtionist, so I try to be very careful around giving “advice” around that, but what I can speak about is what I learned along my healing journey, and it is not so much about WHAT we eat, but HOW we eat.

In order to experience more health and wellness in my body, what I learned is most important food-wise is to:

Eat with gratitude.  
Eat with joy.
Eat with good energy (vibration)

And to NOT eat with stress. 
Or fear. 
Or anxiety. 
Or shame.

Because no matter what you’re eating or not eating, when you eat fear, it’s toxic to your body. 

When we eat from a sense of trying to avoid something (like cancer, or getting fat, etc), or eat from a sense of making ourselves wrong (I shouldn’t be eating this, this isn’t spiritual to eat, this is going to make me fat, this isn’t really healthy for me to eat, etc), we are eating from the vibration of fear, and we are simultaneously disconnecting ourselves from the vibration of our soul – which is the very vibration that is the cause of our body’s wellness. 

No matter what we’re eating, even if it’s been labeled as a “health food”, if we eat it inside the vibration of fear (stress, anxiety, worry, shame), it CANNOT aid in our body’s wellness. On the contrary, it must take away from our body’s health and wellness. For fear can only toxify the body, not heal it. Fear activates the flight or fight system in the body, which releases the stress hormones of adrenaline and cortisol, which suppress our bodies immune system, and keeps our bodies from digesting our food. And NOTHING can buck the vibration we hold – not green juice, raw Vegan diet, broccoli or alkaline food. If we eat fear, we must eat toxicity. 

It is universal law. 

So relax around your food. Enjoy what you eat. Eat only what you truly feel good about eating. And stop making yourself wrong about your food choices. Stop shaming yourself and criticizing yourself around what you are choosing to eat, especially if it’s something that you usually enjoy. Put the vibration of joy and appreciation back into your eating habits, instead. Then, watch how your body responds with more health, wellness and fitness than it ever had before.

Joy and appreciation are parts of the vibration of Love.  And anything you add the vibration of Love to has to begin to be good for you, and good to you. 

But don’t just take my word for it, try it for yourself. Prove it to yourself. 

This is a science – the science of creation/manifestation. And it works when you put the right things in order in the right amounts.

Less shame and fear, more Love and wellness.

All ways.

Much ❤️, Jerome.