I didn’t always trust that my body could heal itself on its own.

That I didn’t have to swoop in and save it from itself. I didn’t trust that I could surrender my wellness to it. Like, all of it. That I could hand over everything to it, and trust that I didn’t have to effort my body into healing and health. That my body was a fucking master warrior.

To be honest, I distrusted it.
I was scared for it.

I had been conditioned to believe that it was a fragile thing. Like if I didn’t eat well (vegan, organic, alkaline), exercise all the time, get eight hours of rest, then the smallest inorganic particle in my food could throw it’s wellness off track. That if I wasn’t SUPER mindful about what I was eating, my body couldn’t meet its wellness quota. This way of thinking, I learned in my healing journey after my second NDE (which I call my rite of passage), was rooted in the belief that “something was wrong with me.” And this belief of “something being wrong with me” was the very toxin that was poisoning my body. That was making and keeping it sick in the first place.

It wasn’t that piece of pizza, or that piece of cake, or that piece of meat, or even that chemtrail in the air. It was me. It was all the ways that my thoughts and feelings had been telling my body that it wasn’t good enough, just as it is. Basically, I was denying my body the truth of it’s inherit Divinity, and the unlimited and infinite intelligence that comes with that. Learning how to heal myself required me to heal my beliefs and feelings that said that something was wrong with me, and that my body wasn’t enough on it’s own.

I had to believe again in my body’s warrior-hood. In its wisdom. In its strength. In its autonomy and independence. I had to relearn/remember that my body is a divine being, all it’s own, who’s main responsibility was to serve my soul, and that it didn’t need help to know how to do so. It just needed me to stay out of its way with my thinking and my energy/vibration.

It just needed me to allow it to do what it knew how to do best: be well, and thrive.

The moment I began to trust in my body again, to believe in it and allow it to be well on its on, it did. And miraculously so.

I relearned a very cosmic truth about our bodies during my rite of passage: that our bodies can heal themselves…of anything. Because they are a creation of Infinite Intelligence – a divinity all on their own.

They know how to heal.
They know how to be well.
They know how to best serve the life of the soul that inhabits them.

And they don’t need a specific diet approach, or exercise regimen, or anything else to know how to do this.


They only need us to stop overloading them with fearful beliefs/feelings. Especially the belief/feeling that something is wrong with them. For this belief/feeling is the most energetically toxic one of all to the body, for it denies the body the truth of it’s divinity. And more importantly, the body MUST reflect back to us what we believe about it. It must mirror back to us through its health state what we believe, and how we feel, about it, and what believe, and how we feel, about ourselves. It must do its job. The job our soul gave it when it created it.

So remember your divinity, Divine Ones. Remember/Reembody the divinity of your soul, AND your body.

For reembodying this truth is what heals.
Reembodying the truth of your divinity is what heals everything.

But don’t just take my word for it, try it, and find out for yourself.
