I used to believe my body was less than.
Less than wanted,
Because I grew up being teased for “not being thin.” So I thought having a thicker body meant I was less desirable than those who didn’t. ESPECIALLY those who were muscular and slim. Well, what my healing journey with self-love has shown me is that that narrative is BULLSHIT. The more I’ve learned to love the body I’m in, as is, the more men have come out of the wood-works in praise and admiration of it. And just the type of men I like. And the shift wasn’t about how I looked at all, but how I felt.

When I felt unattractive, no dates, no calls, no DMs. When I did the work to feel sexy internally (even without changing my body) – can’t keep men out of my DMs, or off my phone, or from making advances. The better I feel about myself these days, the more men are trying to order me off the menu…SUPERSIZED.
Attractive comes in all sizes, Divine Ones. Trust me. But it doesn’t come in all energies.
You have to FEEL sexy. You have to stop rehearsing the toxic narrative that you aren’t enough, as you are, and start telling yourself a more loving narrative . One like: “I am highly attractive, beautiful, desired and respected, just as I am.” That’s how you being to radiate attractiveness, and desirability, and enoughness.

Radiate, and then watch what happens.
If you need a witness, ask my DMs.